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The Military Postal History Society at WESTPEX 2019

The Society will be sharing Booth 6 at WESTPEX 2019, located on the second floor of the hotel with the American Society of Polar Philatelists and the Universal Ship Cancellation Society.

The membership meeting is scheduled from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday, 27 April in the Newport Beach Room. Dave Kent will present a program on Army Troop Ship Postcards and Covers. Dave’s presentation will cover the time period from the Spanish American War through WWII.

One of the benefits of holding our annual convention at WESTPEX is that we get to share a hospitality suite with other convening groups (the Ship Cancel and Polar societies). In addition to being a great place to meet friends and talk, dealer Dick Keiser will provide several boxes of dollar covers for members to peruse. Stop by the society table for the location and hours of the hospitality room.

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Updated April 25, 2019