Military Mail: Korean War (Frame 5)
This web page, published by the Military Postal History Society, contains images of Frame 5 of the Korean War exhibit pages created by Bob Collins. They are reproduced and distributed to the public with his permission.
To view the text within these images, see: web page containing the text content of exhibit frame 5.
Updated 11/20/2024
May 1953 mail; 1st Marine Division withdrawn from front lines -- May 1953 mail -- May 1953 mail -- June 1953 mail - U.S., North Koreans and Chinese Communists sign agreement re. prisoner exchange -- June 1953 Chinese assault front lines to gain territory -- June 1953 mail - Final Chinese communist offensive -- July 1953 Mail - Armistice Signed and Fighting Ceases -- August 1953 Mail -- Exchange of POWs completed -- August 1953 - U.N. POWs released -- Operation Big Switch -- September 1953 mail Exchange of POWs completed -- October 1953 mail -- November 1953 - Unlisted crash cover -- January 1954 mail -- February 1954 mail Front line troops remain in place -- May 1954 mail -- Withdrawl of front line combat troops begins in 1955