Closing on Monday 25 February 2019
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Please BID Now! Send in NEW material for future auctions. Material from Auction #212 is still available.
Check on the web site ( or with the Auction manager, Roger Santala (rogrmtbkd45p883rgt66@gmail53as9w222efr4.comxk93udutu6u5yugh) for any questions or assistance with the Auction.
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The dollar amount with each lot represents a suggested bid. The minimum bid is one half that amount. Bid increments are $0.25 up to five dollars, $0.50 up to $10, $1 up to $20, $2 up to $50, and $5 above that. Tied bids will be awarded to the earlier bidder.
Winning bids should be paid within 10 days of the Auction close.
Thank You for your participation and continued support !
In general, envelopes are regular size, typically #6, UOS. Franking is usually described. The use of “entire” is to indicate postal stationary. Selected images of the material are included in the Auction and on the website. For additional information, questions, and selected images, please contact the Auction manager.
UOS = Unless Otherwise Stated
APO = Army Post Office. Number is in the cancel UOS
FPO = Fleet Post Office
PC = postcard (PPC = picture postcard)
VMail = processed and with envelope UOS
OEF = Operation Enduring Freedom
OIF = Operation Iraqi Freedom
RO = roughly opened
Censor marks:
NC = No Censor
C = Censored, varieties include:
SC = SelfCensored
BC = Box Censored
CC = Circle Censor
HC = Handwritten Censor
Submit Bids to:
Roger Santala, Auction Manager
2244 Fairview Place
Billings, MT 591020614
All successful bidders receive Prices Realized with lots. All others may view prices realized on the website or receive a printed copy by sending a SASE to the address above.
Lot 1. 1843 Sailor’s letter. GB/Lisbon folded letter from James Risk, seaman aboard HMS Malabar. Red paid hand stamp on face and Port Glasgow back stamp. Stitch Mark for holding coin to pay postage. Cover with small tear and file fold. Legible 3-page letter datelined Lisbon with historical content regarding taking aboard the escaping Spanish Regent Espartero and the Portuguese refusing him. $600. 105.
Figure 1. Lot 1, Sailor's letter, 1843.
Lot 3. Japan 1894. Incoming cover to field artillery 1st Regiment, 2nd Army with orange FPO 1 receiving postmark, from military hospital in Japan, letter enclosed. Sent during first Sino-Japanese War. Scarce and very nice condition. $225. 105.
Figure 2. Lot 3, Japan, 1894.
Lot 4a. Spanish-American War. 11/1/95. “Mil.Sta.No.1 Manila”. St. Louis receiver. Foxing/ro. $40. 100.
Figure 3. Lot 4a, Spanish-American War, 1895.
Lot 5. AEF in France. “Le Mans Courrier” manuscript docketing on incoming cover to YMCA worker. Scarce marking. VF. $50. 105.
Figure 4. Lot 5, WWI, AEF in France.
Lot 30. Africa/torch. Letter datelined USS Monticello, Oct 27, 1942. Cover postmarked Washington DC 11/10/42 marked “Held by US Censor”. Embargoed mail for military en route invasion of North Africa. VF. $25. 105.
Figure 5. Lot 30, Africa/torch. Letter datelined USS Monticello, Oct 27, 1942.
Lot 89. Germany. APO 172. 7/12/45. War Dept. HQ 7th Army, green envelope. NC. VF. $8. 101.
Figure 6. Lot 89, APO 172 NY, Germany, 1945.
Lot 108. Italy. APO 758. 12/13/43. “Free” with enclosed “1943-44, Greetings from Sicily, Merry Christmas”. US Army printed card from nurse. NC. $16. 100.
Figure 7. Lot 108, APO 758 NY, Italy, 1943.
Lot 124. New Guinea. APO 503 variant. 8/23/43. UC4. SC/CC/red on white tape. VF. $10. 107.
Figure 8. Lot 124, New Guinea. APO 503 variant, 1943.
Lot 137. Puerto Rico. Airmail cover return addressed APO 845. Postmark Miami with Miami US Customs examiner hand stamp (on back). Travelers censorship of mail hand carried cross-border for posting in the United States. Unusual on APO mail Puerto Rico. VF. $50. 105.
Figure 9. Lot 137, APO 845 NY, Puerto Rico, Front, 1942.
Figure 10. Lot 137, APO 845 NY, Puerto Rico, Rear, 1942.
Lot 142. Alaska/Shemya. APO 729. 11/19/45. 6c airmail. Note inverted canceler. NC. VF. $12. 104.
Figure 11. Lot 142, APO 729 Alaska-Shemya, 1945.
Lot 145. Washington DC. 1943. Processed V-Mail with cover. One of only 4 V-Mails known to consignor postmarked Washington DC. Possibly mail diverted for training purposes. VF. $75. 105.
Figure 12. Lot 145, V-Mail, Washington DC, 1943.
Lot 149. British Guiana. 1941. USN/Marine. One cent Franklin on PC with boxed US Navy cancel. Philatelic. CC. VF. $40. 102.
Figure 13. Lot 149, British Guiana. USN-Marine, 1941.
Lot 158. French Equatorial Africa (FEA) 1942. Service Militare cover from French officer in Gabon to GB with FEA and Cameroon censor hand stamps and GB civil censor tape. VF. $20. 105.
Figure 14. Lot 158, WW2, French Equatorial Africa, 1942.
Lot 163. DPO AE 09715. 3/25/15. Tourist PC from Holland. Franked US 37c stamp. VF $8. 100.
Figure 15. Lot 163, DPO AE 09715, 2015.
Lot 209. OEF Philippines. FPO AP 96373 “USMC Operations”. 5/7/02. $20. 108.
Figure 16. Lot 209, OEF, Philippines FPO AP 96373, 2002.
Lot 1. 1843 Sailor’s letter. GB/Lisbon folded letter from James Risk, seaman aboard HMS Malabar. Red paid hand stamp on face and Port Glasgow back stamp. Stitch Mark for holding coin to pay postage. Cover with small tear and file fold. Legible 3-page letter datelined Lisbon with historical content regarding taking aboard the escaping Spanish Regent Espartero and the Portuguese refusing him. $600. 105.
Lot 2. Cover to member of 9th NY heavy artillery, Sixth Corps, Washington DC from Union NY. $25. 105.
Lot 3. Japan 1894. Incoming cover to field artillery 1st Regiment, 2nd Army with orange FPO 1 receiving postmark, from military hospital in Japan, letter enclosed. Sent during first Sino-Japanese War. Scarce and very nice condition. $225. 105.
Lot 4a. Spanish-American War. 11/1/95. “Mil.Sta.No.1 Manila”. St. Louis receiver. Foxing/ro. $40. 100.
Lot 4b. USS Virginia BB–13. PPC 8/10/10. Sailor mail. Type I cancel (V – 12). VF. $40. 102.
Lot 5. AEF in France. “Le Mans Courier” manuscript docketing on incoming cover to YMCA worker. Scarce marking. VF. $50. 105
Lot 6. AEF. PPC. APO 710 “Marines mail” with censor. Koblenz Hotel. VF. $20. 102.
Lot 7. AEF. PPC. APO 752 Nov 26 1918 with censor. Marseille. VF. $20. 102
Lot 8. AEF. PPC. APO 715 12/30/18 with censor. Bad Neuenahr. VF. $20. 102.
Lot 9. AEF. PPC Red Cross. Written upon but not mailed. Joffre and Pershing. VF. $20. 102.
Lot 10. AEF. PPC “Received from Army" cancel with censor. 12/27/18. Koblenz. VF. $20. 102.
Lot 11. AEF. Letter Cunard stationary. APO 71x “Officers mail” with censor. 9/24/18. VF. $20. 102.
Lot 12. AEF. YMCA card. “Soldiers mail” with censor. APO 711. 8/12/18. VF. $20. 102.
Lot 13. AEF. YMCA card. Dated 9/24/18. No cancel but censor. VF. $10. 102.
Lot 14. AEF. PPC mint. Photo of Red Cross canteen in France. VF. $20. 102.
Lot 15. AEF. PPC mint. Photo of American soldiers in France (motorcycle foreground). VF. $20. 102.
Lot 16. AEF. PPC San Antonio military branch cancel. 3/18/18. Two 1c booklet Washingtons. VF. $20. 102.
Lot 17. Letter. Shelby branch cancel 6/26/18. Three 1c Washingtons. VF. $20. 102.
Lot 18. PPC. Army post 532 cancel “OAS” 8 APR 19. Saint-Omer. VF. $20. 102.
Lot 19. PPC. Probably Canadian “OAS” civilian cancel Waterloo. 6 Mar 1919. Panorama of battle. VF. $20. 102.
Lot 20. PPC mint. Verdun scene of damaged buildings. VF. $10. 102.
Lot 21. Italy. Military on Corfu. 1919. PM 110 postmark on postcard (Buzzetti 11 points, rare, value range $50-$150). $45. 105.
Lot 22. PPC “Feldpost” Erfurt civil cancel 24.9.18. “Gruss aus Erfurt”. $5. 102.
Lot 23. PPC mint. “Das Nachtgefecht In Mühlhausen am 9. August 1914”. $5. 102.
Lot 24. Letter cancel “National Military Home IND” APR 6 1922. Rare cancel. VF. $30. 102.
Vacant Lots. No material for Lots 25-28.
Lot 29. Patriotic cachet mailed from Camp Carson 12/19/42. “Free” NC. VF. $6. 100.
Lot 30. Africa/torch. Letter datelined USS Monticello, Oct 27, 1942. Cover postmarked Washington DC 11/10/42 marked “Held by US Censor”. Embargoed mail for military en route invasion of North Africa. VF. $25. 105.
Lot 31. Africa/Egypt. APO 3307 in address. APO cancel, no #. 2/11/43 with good letter. HC. VF. $12. 101.
Lot 32. Africa/Morocco. APO 522. 5/27/43. 6c airmail entire bicolor. BC. VF. $10. 100.
Lot 33. Africa/Tunisia. APO 533. 5/23/43. BC. VF. $8. 100.
Lot 34. Africa/Morocco. APO 668 in address. 3/16/43. “Free” to New Hebrides. BC. VF. $12. 100.
Lot 35. Africa/Morocco. APO 759. 5/25/44 note beyond C. O. date. Return address American Consulate. 6c airmail entire. CC+ T. VF. $10. 100.
Lot 36. Africa/Tunisia. APO 760. 8/6/43. 6c airmail entire. BC. VF. $8. 100.
Lot 37. Africa/Morocco. APO 762 in address. “Free”. BC. VF. $8. 100.
Lot 38. Africa/Tunisia. APO 763. Two covers. BC. VF. $10. 104.
Lot 39. Africa/Morocco. APO 775. 10/15/43. BC. VF. $8. 100.
Lot 40. Austria. APO 174 on receiver cancel x1 also BPO 25. Incoming mail to APO 751 postwar 1946, five covers. Other receiver marks. VF. $15. 100.
Lot 41. Belgium. APO 104. 11/18/44. BC. VF $6. 104.
Lot 42. Belgian. APO 140. 5/5/5. “Free” on ARC envelope. BC. VF. $15. 104.
Lot 43. Belgium. APO 179. 2/19/45. 6c airmail entire. BC. VF. $8. 104.
Lot 44. Belgium. APO 449. 2/19/45. 6c airmail entire. BC. VF. $6. 104.
Lot 45a. Belgium. APO 448. 1/13/45. 6c airmail from booklet. BC. VF. $6. 104.
Lot 45b. Belgium. APO 255. 12/44 + 2/45. 2 covers. 6c airmail entire. BC. VF. $10. 104.
Lot 46. England. APO 121A. 8/25/44 from nurse. 6c airmail entire. SC. VF. $10. 104.
Lot 47. England. APO 134. 6/6/44 (D-Day). 6c airmail faulty. BC. VF. $10. 104.
Lot 48. England. APO 527. 9/11/44. 6c airmail entire. BC. F $5. 100.
Lot 49. England. APO 557. Six covers, all 6c airmail entire. BC. VF. $10. 100.
Lot 50. England. APO 633. Three covers, 1943-45. BCx2. VF. $6. 104.
Lot 51. England. APO 635A. 9/27/44. 6c airmail entire. California receiver 10/9. SC. VF. $6. 104.
Lot 52. England. APO 637. Two covers, 1944, one letter. Both 6c airmail. BC. F+. $8. 104.
Lot 53. England. APO 649. 10/26/44. “Free” on ARC envelope. BC. VF. $5. 104.
Lot 54. France. APO 162. 9/19/44. 6c airmail entire. BC. VF. $6. 104.
Lot 55. France. APO 89. Two covers, 1945. BC. F+. $8. 104.
Lot 56. France. APO 79. 9/12/44. Sender APO 403. 6c airmail. BC. VF. $6. 104.
Lot 57. France. APO 136. 2/27/45. Sender APO 350. “Free”. SC. F+. $6. 104.
Lot 58. France. APO 141. 9/17/44. 6c airmail entire bicolor. BC. VF. $6. 104.
Lot 59. France. APO 403 in sender address. 6c airmail entire. BC. VF. $5. 104.
Lot 60. France. APO 536. 4/7/45. 6c airmail entire. SC. VF. $5. 100.
Lot 61. France. APO 553. 8/30/44. 6c airmail entire bicolor. BC. VF. $5. 104.
Lot 62. France. APO 747. 7/29/45. 6c over print. NC. VF. $4. 104.
Lot 63. France? APO 772. Three covers, 1-3/45. Note dates beyond MTOUSA. Addressed from “Deltabase”. All 6c airmail. SC. VF. $10. 104.
Lot 64. Germany. APO 1. 7/30/45. War Dept. official business envelope. Washington DC receiver. NC. VF $4. 101.
Lot 65. Germany. APO 30. 4/23/45. 6c airmail entire. BC. F+. $4. 101.
Lot 66. Germany. APO 44. 6/13/45. “Free” with great letter. NC. VF. $8. 101.
Lot 67. Germany. APO 45. 11/18/44. War Dept. official envelope franked with 6c airmail booklet. NC. F+. $5. 101.
Lot 68. Germany. APO 45. 8/16/45. War Dept. official envelope. NC. VF. $5. 101.
Lot 69. Germany. APO 45 in sender address. 5/23/45. 6c airmail over print. NC. RO. $4. 101.
Lot 70. Germany. APO 51. Sender APO 230. 12/6/44. 6c airmail entire. BC. VF. $12. 101.
Lot 71. Germany. APO 60. 5/31/45. 6c airmail over print. NC. VF. $5. 101.
Lot 72. Germany. APO 62. 8/10/45. 6c airmail entire. NC. VF. $5. 104.
Lot 73. Germany. APO 62. 8/15/45. Franked 3c “the doctor”. Likely philatelic. NC. VF. $3. 101.
Lot 74. Germany. APO 69. 12/19/45. 6c airmail addressed to France. NC. VF. $6. 101.
Lot 75. Germany. APO 78. 8/24/45. 6c airmail over print. NC. VF. $5. 101.
Lot 76. Germany. APO 79. 4/6/45. War Dept. official envelope marked “Free”. NC. VF. $8. 101.
Lot 77. Germany. APO 80. 7/18/45. 6c airmail entire. NC. VF. $6. 101.
Lot 78. Germany. APO 80. Sender APO 758. 7/4/45. “Free”. NC. VF. $6. 101.
Lot 79. Germany. APO 83. 6/5/45. 6c airmail over print. NC. VF. $6. 101.
Lot 80. Germany. APO 124. Sender APO 403. Two covers 7-8/45. NC. VF. $6. 101.
Lot 81. Germany. APO 136. 7/7/45. 6c airmail. NC. F+. $5. 101.
Lot 82. Germany. APO 146. 5/28/45. 6c airmail over print. NC. VF. $5. 104.
Lot 83. Germany. APO 146. Two covers, 3-4/45. 6c airmail. BC. VF. $8. 104.
Lot 84. Germany. APO 158. 5/19/45. 6c airmail entire. SC. VF. $5. 101.
Lot 85. Germany. APO 163. 11/8/45. “Free” on ARC envelope. NC. VF. $5. 101.
Lot 86. Germany. APO 172. 5/26/45. 6c airmail. NC. Folds. $4. 101.
Lot 87. Germany. APO 172. 6/4/45. Sender APO 758. 6c airmail entire. NC. VF. $5. 104.
Lot 88. Germany. APO 175. 7/31/45. Sender APO 758. 6c airmail entire. NC. F+. $5. 101.
Lot 89. Germany. APO 172. 7/12/45. War Dept. HQ 7th Army, green envelope. NC. VF. $8. 101.
Lot 90. Germany. APO 172. 5/11/4X. War Dept. HQ 7th Army, brown envelope. NC. VF. $8. 101.
Lot 91. Germany. APO 179. 10/2/45. “Free” on squadron cachet envelope with 9th AF insignia. NC. F+. $8. 104.
Lot 92. Germany. APO 179. 6/9/45. Sender APO 403. 6c airmail entire. NC. F+. $6. 101.
Lot 93. Germany. APO 232. 11/3/45. Sender APO 374. 6c airmail over print. NC. VF. $8. 101.
Lot 94. Germany. APO 252. 6/4/45. 6c airmail. NC. VF. $5. 101.
Lot 95. Germany. APO 252. 8/18/45. 6c airmail. NC. VF. $5. 101.
Lot 96. Germany. APO 252. 8/1/45. War Dept. official envelope legal size. NC. VF. $5. 101.
Lot 97. Germany. APO 255. X/30/45. 6c airmail over print. NC. VF. $4. 101.
Lot 98. Germany. APO 255. 6/28/45. 6c airmail over print. NC. VF. $4. 101.
Lot 99. Germany. APO 255. 5/22/45. 6c airmail over print. HC. VF. $4. 101.
Lot 100. Germany. APO 260. 9/1/45. War Dept. official envelope legal size. NC. VF. $4. 101.
Lot 101. Germany. APO 262. 5/27/45. 6c airmail. NC. VF. $10. 101.
Lot 102. Germany. APO 340 on reverse. Incoming mail with “Returning to United States” stamp + 4 covers, same addressee. NC. VF. $8. 101.
Lot 103. Germany. APO 533. 8/5/45. 6c airmail. NC. VF. $12. 101.
Lot 104. India. APO 690. 6/12/43. “Free”. BC. F+. $4. 104.
Lot 105. Italy. APO 251. 8/30/44. 6c airmail entire bicolor. BC. VF. $6. 104.
Lot 106. Italy. APO 548. 7/26/44. “Free” sender APO 758. BC. VF. $6. 104.
Lot 107. Italy. APO 650. 5/15/44. “Free” on ARC envelope. NC. $6. 104.
Lot 108. Italy. APO 758. 12/13/43. “Free” with enclosed “Greeting from Sicily. Merry Christmas” US Army printed card from nurse. NC. $16. 100.
Lot 109. Italy. APO 785. 4/26/44. 6c airmail entire bicolor. SC. VF. $6. 104.
Lot 110. Iran. APO 795. 9/13/43. “Free”. CC. VF $8. 104.
Lot 111. Luxembourg. APO 137. 2/21/45. 6c airmail. Sender APO 655. BC. VF. $8. 104.
Lot 112. Newfoundland. APO 801. 7/13/41. Franked 3x 1 cent “For defense” philatelic AC Roe. Early BC. $15. 102.
Lot 113. Newfoundland. APO 801B. 7/21/41. One cent on PC. Philatelic. NC. $8. 102.
Lot 114. Australia. APO 922. 12/2/43. 6c airmail entire bicolor. SC/BC/tape. VF. $12. 107.
Lot 115. China. APO 946. 3/11/46. 6c airmail. Sender APO 971 CT (China theater). NC. VF. $15. 105.
Lot 116. Japan. APO 226. 2/19/47. 5c revalued air. NC. VF. $8. 104.
Lot 117. Japan. APO 50. 9/11/53. Small 6c air. Note “Service club #36 Otsu” on back flap. NC. F. $6. 104.
Lot 118. Japan. APO 24 – 1. 1/1/49. 6c airmail on ARC envelope. Mark first-day of rate. NC. VF. $15. 100.
Lot 119. Japan. APO 7 BPO. 2-6/47. 11 postwar covers all 5c airmail. NC. VF. $6. 100.
Lot 120. Kwajalein. APO 241. 12/26/44. 6c airmail entire bicolor. CC/tape. VF. $8. 104.
Lot 121. Los Negros. APO 194. 3/2/44. 6c airmail entire bicolor. BC/CC/tape. F+. $8. 104.
Lot 122. New Guinea. APO 503. 6/28/43. UC3. SC/CC/tape. VF. $8. 107.
Lot 123. New Guinea. APO 7 BPO. 11/2/43. UC3 bicolor. SC/CC/tape. VF. $8. 107.
Lot 124. New Guinea. APO 503 variant. 8/23/43. UC4. SC/CC/red on white tape. VF. $10. 107.
Lot 125. New Guinea. APO 7 BPO. 12/14/43. UC4 bicolor. BC. VF. $6. 107.
Lot 126. New Guinea. APO 503 variant. 8/26/43. UC6. BC. VF. $8. 107.
Lot 127. New Guinea. APO 503. 6/23/43. “Free” on ARC envelope. BC. VF. $8. 107.
Lot 128. New Guinea. No APO in canceller. Sender APO 503. 10/30/43. UC4 bicolor. BC. VF. $6. 107.
Lot 129. New Guinea. No APO in canceler. Sender APO 503. 10/7/43. “Free”. BC. VF. $6. 107.
Lot 130. New Hebrides. APO 708. 11/25/43. 6c airmail. BC. VF. $6. 104.
Lot 131. New Zealand. APO 43. 4/21/44. 6c airmail entire. General officer. SC. VF. $10. 104.
Lot 132. Philippines. APO 710. 6/9/45. 6c airmail. CC/tape. F+. $6. 104.
Lot 133. Solomons. APO 706. Two covers, 2-5/44. 6c airmail. BC. F+. $6. 104.
Lot 134. Solomons. APO 716. Two covers, 9-10/44. 6c airmail. BC. $6. 104.
Lot 135. Brazil. APO 603. 1/21/45. 6c airmail. NC. VF. $15. 100.
Lot 136. Liberia. APO 605. 6/22/42. 2x 3c ordinance of 1787. HC. VF. $16.
Lot 137. Puerto Rico. Airmail cover return addressed APO 845. Postmark Miami with Miami US Customs examiner hand stamp (on back). Travelers censorship of mail hand carried cross-border for posting in the United States. Unusual on APO mail Puerto Rico. VF. $50. 105.
Lot 138. Trinidad. APO 695. 8/1/45. “Free”. SC. VF. $8. 104.
Lot 139. Canada/Yukon. APO 702 –1. 8/6/44. “Free”. BC. VF. $6. 104.
Lot 140. Alaska. APO 726. Four covers, all 1944. Three different cancelers. VF. $8. 104.
Lot 141. Alaska/Shemya. APO 729. 6 covers, 1944-46. Varied cancelers. VF. $12. 104.
Lot 142. Alaska/Shemya. APO 729. 11/19/45. 6c airmail. Note inverted canceler. NC. VF. $12. 104.
Lot 143. Alaska. APO 937. Three covers, postwar 1948-53. NC. VF. $8. 101.
Lot 144. Alaska. APO 939. 12/12/45. “Free”. NC. VF. $4. 101.
Lot 145. Washington DC. 1943. Processed V-Mail with cover. One of only 4 V-Mails known to consignor postmarked Washington DC. Possibly mail diverted for training purposes. VF. $75. 105.
Lot 146. 1944 processed newsletter V-Mail with hand stamp “WD regulations prohibit photographing of newsletters”. Unfolded, one of multiple copies apparently made by someone in the SF V-Mail station. VF. $15. 105.
Lot 147. Unprocessed V-Mail from US to APO 234 with letter in Russian. SF civil censor and stamp on back and inside. Letter had been transferred to them for censoring. VF. $25. 105.
Lot 148. CB mail from Gulfport MS. 10/5/43. “Free”. NC. VF. $5. 104.
Lot 149. British Guiana. 1941. USN/Marine. One cent Franklin on PC with boxed US Navy cancel. Philatelic. CC. VF. $40. 102.
Lot 150. FPO – SF. Sender 1st Marine Div. 10/10/45. 6c airmail entire. NC. F+. $6. 107.
Lot 151. FPO – SF. Sender GROPAC9. 1/11/43. 6c airmail entire. CC. VF. $5. 107.
Lot 152. FPO – SF. Sender MTB 7th Fleet. 5/20/45. 6c airmail entire. CC. VF. $6. 107.
Lot 153. FPO – SF x2, NY x1. Total of 5 covers. F+. $5. 100.
Lot 154. FPO SF x3. 1944-45. CC. VF. $6. 100.
Lot 155. Poland military in Italy 1945. Processed pictorial airgram, Kulpinski 23 (300 printed) to undercover address for Polish forces in UK. No cover. $50. 105.
Lot 156. Australia. 1945 military in Papua New Guinea. Registered cover from FPO 12 on YMCA envelope. BC. VF. $25. 105.
Lot 157. Australia. 1949 military in Japan. No. 8 Aust. base PO postmark on Commonwealth forces envelope. VF. $25. 107.
Lot 158. French Equatorial Africa (FEA) 1942. Service Militare cover from French officer in Gabon to GB with FEA and Cameroon censor hand stamps and GB civil censor tape. VF. $20. 105.
Lot 159. Italy 1943. Patriotic PC showing paratroops landing/in combat from a military address in Italy. VF. $20. 105.
Lot 160. Germany 1940. PC from SS Guard at Flossenbürg concentration camp with unit briefstempel. VF. $45. 105.
Lot 161. Germany 1939-40. 3 PC from men in 9th SS Totenkopf Regiment. One with unit briefstempel. VF. $45. 105.
Lot 162. Naval correspondence Vietnam-era. “Free” times 31 with letter. APO 96240 x2, USS Hancock CVA-19, all 1965. Also, USS Ashtabula, 9/65 and USS Kansas City, 6/70. VF. $15. 100.
Lot 163. DPO AE 09715. 3/25/15. Tourist PC from Holland. Franked US 37c stamp. VF $8. 100.
Lot 164. APO AE 09823. 4/12/10. Tourist PC from Turkey. Franked US postage. VF $4. 100.
Lot 165. APO AE 09494. 5/10/11. Tourist PC from England. Franked US postage. VF. $4. 100.
Lot 166. APO AE 09823. 10/16/XX. Tourist PC from Turkey. Franked US postage. VF. $4. 100.
Lot 167. UNEF I Norway. Free mail “Porto Oslo Betalt Oslo”. Jan 5 1960. Gaines 200/MC 1–104 (a). $8. 101.
Lot 168. UNEF I Norway. Free mail “Porto Oslo Betalt Oslo”. 25 Jan 1960. Gaines 200 (c) – 104 (a). $8. 101.
Lot 169. UNEF I Sweden. Svenska FN-Bataljonen Egypten. 12.7.57. Gaines 133 (a). $8. 101.
Lot 170. UNEF II Sweden. 17. APR. 1961. UNEF air letter (ALS/FS 1). Gaines 133 – 200 (e) 2. $8. 101.
Lot 171. UNEF I Yugoslavia. Free mail. Posta Odreda JNA Egipat – UNEF 1956-58. Gaines 154 (c). $8. 101.
Lot 172. UNEF I Yugoslavia. Free mail. Posta Odreda JNA Egipat – UNEF 1958-59. Gaines 154 (d). $8. 101.
Lot 173. UNEF II India. FDC Indian UNEF stamp: Army Day – 712 FPO. 15-1-65. Gaines 064. $8. 101.
Lot 174. UNEF II Canada. Free mail. OHMS U.N.E.F. 7 14 JUL 1965. Gaines 022 – 200 (h) 7. $8. 101.
Lot 175. UNEF II Sweden. Incoming mail military reply stamp. Receiver cancel: Svenska FN-Bataljonen MELLERSTA OSTERN. 9.11.76. Gaines 133 (c). $8. 101.
Lot 176. UNTAG Belgium. SWA meter Windhoek SWA UNTAG Namibia SWA A 55. 05-9-89. Gaines 200 – meter 1. $8. 101.
Lot 177. UNTAG Belgium forces. Armée Belges envelope, SWA stamps Windhoek. 3 XI 89. Gaines 012. $8. 101.
Lot 178. UNTAG Italy. UNTAG-Helitaly envelope. Posta militare. 14-2-90. Gaines 070 (a). $8. 101.
Lot 179. UNTAG Italy. UN aerogram. Posta militare. 14-2-90. Gaines 070 (a). $8. 101.
Lot 180. UNTAG UK. UN aerogram. UN stamp/postage due. 2 VI 90. Gaines 145. $8. 101.
Lot 181. UNTAG UK. BMATT London SW. 11 June 1990. Enclosed note on stationary. Gaines 145. $8. 101.
Lot 182. UN MOGIP. UN observer group stationary. “Via NY pouch” US stamp to APO address. 3/87. $8. 101.
Lot 183. UN MOGIP. Observer group stationary. Pakistani stamps. 26 APR 87. APO receiver verso. $8. 101.
Lot 184. UNIFIL France. French Eng Coy. Poste aux Armées. 26-2-1980. $8. 101.
Lot 185. UNIFIL France. SP 25003. Free mail. UNIFIL envelope. 12 Aug 1980. $8. 101.
Lot 186. UNIFIL France. SP 25003. French stamp. Poste aux Armées. 25-9-81. $8. 101.
Lot 187. UNIFIL France. SP 25011. French Eng Coy. Free mail. UN envelope. 06 FEB 1982. Gaines 200 (K). $8. 101.
Lot 188. UNIFIL. Incoming mail/returned APO 09155 cancel. Poste aux Armées x2 verso. $8. 101.
Lot 189. UNIFIL Norway. 9 Sep 1980. Norbatt 5 cachet. Gaines 200 (a)ii. VF. $8. 101.
Lot 190. UNIFIL Norway. 15/8/81. “FN-Bataljonen”. Gaines 104 (B). VF $8. 101.
Lot 191. UNIFIL Norway. 8/2/85. “FN-Bataljonen” on Norbatt cachet envelope. Gaines 104(c). VF. $8. 101.
Lot 192. Bundeswehr feldpost (FP) cancels. Exercise “Flinker Kel” 1984. Nine covers. $20. 108.
Lot 193. Bundeswehr FP cancels. Exercise “Landesverteidigung 1988”. 12 covers. $20. 108.
Lot 194. Bundeswehr FP cancels. Exercise “Landesverteidigung 88”. 13 covers. $20. 108.
Lot 195. Bundeswehr FP cancels. Exercise “Landesverteidigung 1988”. 12 covers. $20. 108.
Lot 196. Bundeswehr FP cancels. Exercise “schneller Start” 1990. 11 covers. $20. 108.
Lot 197. Bundeswehr FP cancels. Exercise “Holsatia” 1989. Seven covers. $20. 108.
Lot 198. Bundeswehr FP UNOSOM Somalia 1993-94. 9 covers includes registered and mailbag tags. $20. 108.
Lot 199. Bundeswehr FP UNOSOM Somalia 1993-94. 8 covers includes registered and mailbag tags. $20. 108.
Lot 200. Bundeswehr FP 1985-2000. 20 covers include Cambodia, Georgia, Somalia, and Norway. $30. 108.
Lot 201. Bundeswehr FP domestic 2003-06. 10 covers including registered. $20. 108.
Lot 202. Bundeswehr FP domestic 2004-06. 10 covers most registered. $30. 108.
Lot 203. Bundeswehr FP domestic 2004-07. 12 covers including registered. $20. 108.
Lot 204. Bundeswehr FP domestic 2005-06. 12 covers/cards. $20. 108.
Lot 205. Bundeswehr FP domestic 2004-11. 13 covers/cards includes registered. $20. 108.
Lot 206. Bosnia Joint Endeavor. APO 09793. 1/17/96. “MPS” on cacheted envelope. F. $10. 102.
Lot 207. Bosnia Joint Endeavor. APO 09789. 3/1/96. “Free” on cacheted envelope. VF. $12. 102.
Lot 208. OEF Afghanistan. German FP 1300/1301/1371 2002-04. 14 covers/cards. $30. 108.
Lot 209. OEF Philippines. FPO AP 96373 “USMC Operations”. 5/7/02. $20. 108.
Lot 210. OEF/IF. Various APO’s “Free mail” 2001-06. 15 covers. $50. 108.
Lot 211. OEF/IF. Various APO’s “Free mail” 2003. 13 covers. $30. 108.
Lot 212. OPIF. FPO AE 09509 postmark, “2nd F SSG FWD postal det 2”. 3/8/06. $10. 108.
Lot 213. OPIF. Intra-theater postmark, “Army Postal Service APO AE 09305”. 29 Sep 03. $6. 108.
Lot 214. OEF. Various FPO 2002 “Free mail”. Five covers. $15. 108.
Lot 215. OPIF. Various APO AE 2003-06. “Free mail”. 13 covers. $50. 108.
Lot 216. OPIF. APO 09342. 12/28/04. “Free” with printed cachet. VF. $12. 102.
Lot 217. Afghanistan. APO 09364. 1/28/11. FOB Shank West. VF $15. 102.
Lot 218. Afghanistan. APO 09354. 9/26/10. “Free”. FOB Goode Gardez. VF. $15. 102.
Lot 219. Yugoslavia. “NATO aggression against Yugoslavia” set as issued. 16 stamps, MNH and FDC’s 1999. $20. 108.
Military Postal History Society, Auction #213
Closing on Monday 25 February 2019
Submit Bids to:
Roger Santala, Auction Manager
2244 Fairview Place
Billings, MT 591020614
All successful bidders receive Prices Realized with lots. All others may view prices realized on the website or receive a printed copy by sending a SASE to the address above.